Plus, Apply
New Revolutionary Technology To
Design Money-Making Web Apps With Subscription Membership Sites That Can
Help You Personalize Content To
Maximize Results!

An ecommerce business is a company that generates revenue from selling products or services online. Traister Ventures, LLC helps entrepreneurs and businesses promote and sell their products and services online – from opt-in to sale. Services include developing customized marketing campaigns from opt-in to sale, enabling your company to capture qualified leads and convert them into buying customers. Plus, campaigns to bring customers back to buy again and refer others to buy from you.

Utilizing some of the most innovative technologies, Traister Ventures can help you build automated digital marketing campaigns and viable solutions that can enable your business to operate efficiently so you can maximize results. Four core services include:

  • Courses and tutorials to help educate you on best marketing practices for optimum outcome.
  • Consulting on viable business and marketing strategies. Plus, to address the marketing issues that matter to you most, so you could improve results.
  • Client services to develop and execute a viable plan that supports your vision. These services include strategy, copywriting content, design and automation – customized for your business and target market.
  • Business plans for ecommerce ventures promoting products and services in high demand niches such as health related products and services and travel. These plans can include drop-shipping and much more.

Through the use of new revolutionary technology, Traister Ventures can develop personalized web apps without coding. Instead of publishing static pages that show the same content to everyone, this new modern application focuses on creating a dynamic interactive experience personalized for each contact. The underlying technology integrates multiple databases and utilizes page templates to personalize content for each contact. Ultimately, the result can be a dynamic personalized online web experience.

There are many possible applications. For example, it could involve publishing a series of courses and/or blog articles that show different content to each contact based on the information in one or more database. It can also involve building an online learning center, designing a project portal or creating a knowledgebase. The opportunities are endless.

Traister Ventures, LLC also creates subscription-based membership sites with one or more member levels that promote password access to digital content including courses. This can enable clients to earn reliable income streams.

Digital Marketing & eCommerce Services Focused On Customer Experience,
So You Can Earn More!

Unlike most digital marketing services providers involved with ecommerce that rely on websites and shopping carts, services by Traister Ventures focus more on developing customized CRM and marketing automation system(s) with order pages via Ontraport. This system can integrate one or more databases, landing pages, automated campaigns with communication via email, text and postcards, and up to 4 different sales conversion vehicles that link to order pages connected with payment gateway(s) for a fast and easy sales close.

Compared with shopping carts, order pages can have a higher closing rate. That’s because order pages can contain more content to keep the buyer emotionally engaged with the offer and a one-click form to complete their purchase instead of forcing the consumer to click many links and go to multiple pages during the typical shopping cart checkout process.

Customer experience is a big key to closing more sales. Customer experience is based on the journey contacts go on from when they opt-in to the time they buy and your follow-up thereafter. A positive customer experience is vital to the success of your business. That’s because a happy customer is more likely to become loyal and buy again plus refer others to your brand. That in turn can help you maximize revenue.

An Ontraport Certified Expert
Ready To Help You Build Your Online Business

Jeff Traister

Founder & President

Jeff Traister is a specialist in digital direct response marketing and eCommerce with over 30 years experience.

Jeff is an Ontraport Certified Expert. Ontraport is a leading sales and marketing platform for growing businesses. Moreover, Ontraport is a CRM and automation platform designed to help businesses scale, providing many of the tools to sell, promote and manage a business online — all in one app.

He is also an American Writers & Artists Circle of Success Copywriter. Jeff creates copywriting content that includes persuasive email letters, text messages, landing pages, sales letters, automated webinars, websites, blog articles and much more.

Plus, Jeff is an AWAI Certified Chatbot Marketing Specialist. He can design custom rules-based conversational chatbots for lead generation and sales conversion. These chatbots can start on websites, Facebook pages, QR codes and a simple custom URL link, so you can attract contacts from multiple sources simultaneously.

Jeff earned an MBA in Entrepreneurship & Marketing from the Karl Eller Center for the Study of Private Market Economy at the University of Arizona where he was a recipient of a scholarship by the Association For Corporate Growth. He started his career in product & marketing management. Then switched to the agency side with Interpublic, the world’s largest advertising firm. Later, as VP with Internet Tradeline, he raised $20 million in venture capital, partnered with 300 media companies and promoted ecommerce website solutions to thousands of businesses.

He’s worked with Pfizer, Roche, Kimberly-Clark Healthcare, DirecTV, General Electric, The Home Depot, Elsevier, Tyson Amino Acids, VirtuOx, Aatron Medical Services, ICN Pharmaceuticals, MD Weight Loss by Healthogenics, Neurim Pharmaceuticals/LifeWell, The Bond Group, Veterinarian Insurance, Normandeau Technologies, Future Now Detox, Center for Trauma Counseling, and other start-up & Fortune 500 firms.

Next Steps For You

For more information on how Traister Ventures can help you…

Or Call Jeff at 561-468-6899